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Gore® Tenara® sewing thread will not deteriorate from exposure to the elements. It's an ideal choice for sewing outdoor fabric products, because it's immune to ultraviolet degradation, the primary cause of seam failure. Gore Tenara is guaranteed for the life of your canvas.
  • Gore Tenara Thread TR V-92 Gore Tenara Thread TR V-92
    Gore Tenara TR V-92 Lifetime Sewing Thread TR style builds on the features of the Original Style with the same lifetime guarantee, but increases the choice of colours, as well as improving the sew-ability features.
  • Gore Tenara Sewing Thread TR V-138 Gore Tenara Sewing Thread TR V-138
    Gore Tenera TR V-138 Lifetime Sewing Thread TR style builds on the features of the Original Style with the same lifetime guarantee, but increases the choice of colours, as well as improving the sew-ability features.

Gore Tenara Thread

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