K-3 Curved Round Point Needle Kit by C.S. Osborne & Co. in the US are made of high-quality steel wire are traditional tools built to last using techniques that haven't changed much in almost 200 years.
Product Features: Contains an assortment of professional-type needles.
Each kit contains:
1 - 3" 18 gauge (.048") curved Round point needle.
1 - 4" 17 gauge (.056") curved Round point needle.
1 - 5" 16 gauge (.064") curved Round point needle.
1 - 6" 15 gauge (.072") curved Round point needle.
Ideal for sewing and repairing sails, canvas, leather and similar materials because the curve in the needle gives better leverage to get through thicker materials.
High quality extra heavy steel wire needles.
Osborne needles and pins have long been considered a standard for fine quality.
Experience and efficiency in the art of needle making for over one hundred and seventy years have produced the dependable tools well known throughout the trade as Osborne Needles and Pins.
The uniform quality of these needles and pins is carefully maintained by the consistent efforts of the skillful craftspeople who make them.
Sold each.